Ask yourself….why are we allowing ourselves to be mastered by all these electronic “communication” gizmoes?

Why do we allow them to dictate our pace?

Are we even conscious of this recent phenomena at all?

Like an ape with a new shiny object -we just can’t seem to put them down. And disconnect. Even for a short while.

Yet nearly every study coming out now regarding the neurological effects of our “wired” society on the human brain documents THIS:

– an increase in mental stress

– an increase in emotional anxiety

– an increase in moodiness

– a decrease in mental focus

– a decrease in patience

– a decrease in overall memory

– a decrease in interpersonal skills (like eye contact)

– a decreased ability in creativity thinking

– a decreased ability in deep thinking

– a decreased ability in analytical thinking

But we know what “Snooki” looks like without make-up on!

By the year 2030, Ray Kurzweil, a brilliant leader in the Trans-Humanist movement, contends humans won’t be able to discern reality from virtual reality, and that we will spend most of our time living in virtual reality.

Given our present course, and the power of exponential technology, many think he is right.

Are you REALLY ready for that?

So….on March 23, 2012, starting at sundown (remember what that is?),  try “unplugging” your brain for just a mere 24 hours, as part of the “National Day of Unplugging 2012”.

And then go outside for a long walk.

See how that feels.

“Welcome to the real world.”

                                               – Neo,  from “The Matrix” (1999)


“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”
– Henry David Thoreau, Walden (1854)

We are in the midst of a massive global urban transition – unlike that of any other time in the history of our species.

In 1975,  just over 1/3 of humanity lived in cities.

Right now, just over half of humanity lives in cities.

By 2025,  just over 2/3rds of humanity will live in cities.


Thoreau knew.


<strong>”Where there is no vision, the people perish” </strong> – Proverbs 29:18


<iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

<em>(Kudos to my Aunt Marcia in California for this powerful find above!)</em>

<iframe src=”;byline=0&amp;portrait=0″ width=”400″ height=”225″ frameborder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href=”″>Tar Sands Action/ Josh Fox</a> from <a href=”″>JFOX</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a>.</p>


War – the exploitation of our darkest primal urge.

Half of “going primal”, is about recognizing and acting upon not just the “bright side” our our nature, but the “dark side” of it.

In otherwords, facing the dark side instead of burying it or running from it. By confronting it, we can become masters of our selves, instead of slaves to others.

Suppressing the dark side of of our primal nature only makes it exponentially easier for us to be exploited. And the results of that exploitation – only more tragic and destructive.

This suppression is why “sex sells”, certain colors excite us, obesity is sky rocketing, and more money is never enough.

It’s also why the ultimate failure known as war is even possible.

We walk around, unconscious of what we really are.

The ruling elite of all societies know this. And they use it.

Any psychologist or AA counselor will tell you that the first step to recovery for an alcoholic – is for them to admit they have a problem. And that there will be no progress or healing until that moment occurs….and then sustains itself.

Like an alcoholic, our species has… “a problem”.

And we have yet to admit it.

Will we ever?

No. There is not much happiness on Veterans Day.

18 veterans in the USA are now committing suicide every day, and on Veterans Day every year that number soars.

Any glorification or sanitization of war on this “holiday” only ensures that our darkest primal urge will continue to haunt us.

“An organism at war with itself is doomed” -Carl Sagan


We are inside their heads now.

And they know it.

They global elite know, that we know, “the system” is a lie….and has been for a long, long time.

The global elite know that they have finally overplayed their hand, and awakened the ultimate “sleeping giant”.

Notice how the global elite are frantically trying to save “the system” which continues its slow-motion collapse – because “the system” has been very good to them.

Very very good.

The global elite do not attempt to save “the system” for us, as they pretend.

Make no mistake, they attempt to save it for themselves.

But all their efforts from here on out will ultimately be futile.

The people of the Earth simply will not allow “the system” to continue.

The ecology of the Earth simply will not allow “the system” to continue.

And Nature, the ultimate dictatorship, simply will not allow “the system” to continue.

But don’t expect “them” to go down easily.

Liberation is never easy.


The “miracle of plastic“…has come with a steep price.

And now we are all starting to pay it.

Plastic is “forever” – it will slowly degrade out in the natural world, but only to a single molecular level.Then its done degrading. Forever. Plastic never really “goes away”.

And plastic is everywhere.

It’s in the OCEAN.


And it’s in US.



Here we go again.

Throughout the history of our species, we have always looked to technology to make us more comfortable and to improve our lives.

And most times, it has done that.

You might even say our species is “obsessed” with technology.

But technology has always represented a double edged sword –
particularly when it has comes to using it to modify the natural environment.

Manipulating the natural world through the application of technology in certain areas of the world, has almost always created short term gains at the expense of worse problems down the road.

Now along comes…… “geo-engineering.”

Now the manipulation is “going global”.

Certain global elite have decided, on our behalf, that the human species should inject reflective particles into the atmosphere around the world, in an attempt to slow down global warming.

This desperate technological fix, called “chem-trails”, not only “kicks” the immense sustainability problems we now face as a species “down the road”, but it does nothing to stop the carbon emission problem at its sources, and is wrought with possible negative side effects we haven’t even begun to understand.

Until we learn to live not only without our own means “economically”, but within the means of Nature….we will continue to suffer the tragedy of unintended consequences.

Because in the end, Nature always wins.




We live in “exponential” times.

Times of “exponential technological development”.

Yet the minds, bodies, and souls we possess are still in a relative primal state, having evolved over the millenia at a fraction of the pace of life we are witnessing today.

We were told this technology would “liberate us” – yet Americans are working harder and longer hours every year.

“Adrenal gland burnout” is at an all-time high – and escalating.
Because instead of running from a wild beast every once in a while, we are now being dragged by an “electronic beast” 24/7.

As a society in the past, America built skyscapers, won two world wars, and put a man on the moon….all without cell phones.

Are our lives really better overall – now that we cannnot live without our cell phones?

We now seem to be “multi-tasking” multi-tasking.

If it seems that everyone these days has a sort of “culturally induced ADD” – it’s not your imagination.

“Time compression” is the now number one threat to the average American’s well-being. Most Americans are totally oblivious to this relatively recent phenomena.

Time compression degrades our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health in all ways, as well as our relationships in all ways.

There is no aspect of our life it does not ravage.

It is the invisible menace of the “Information Age”.

It steals the most precious resource we have.

I am going to turn “the beast” off now….walk outside….and inhale slowly and deeply.

You in?