Mature humans are the only mammals on Earth that willingly delay sleep.
Think about that for a second.
And other mammals are awake only to feed, eliminate waste, reproduce, and if they feel the need to defend themselves.
The rest of their life is a peaceful slumber.
I know we are busy, but it we behaved more like our fellow mammals and less like machines, it is well documented that we would live significantly happier and healthier lives.
So why don’t we?
Because basically, in “advanced” societies such as ours, we have been conditioned to accept working the majority of our life away.
With little to no regard for the natural circadian rhythms that our minds and bodies crave to be in harmony with.
The ever increasing speed of business – just can’t wait.
Neither can our bills.
Industrialized societies right now have such high numbers of sleep deprivation, that what is “abnormal” sleepiness in now considered “normal”.
Starbuck$ knows.
Meanwhile, any doctor will tell you that sleep is every bit as critical to your over-all health as diet and exercise – arguably more so. Yet in the fast-paced 24/7 connected culture we live in…..a lack of sleep has almost become a “badge of honor”.
Has sleep, become for wimps?
And this weekend, thanks to self-serving financial decisions by the ruling elite over the years, we will all add yet ANOTHER hour of sleep loss to our ever mounting sleep deficits, due to the artificial scam known as “Daylight Savings Time”.
POOF. Just like that.
Another hour of sleep GONE.
So fight back.
Why not start by shutting off the Internet right now.
Then, begin to manage the rest of your life so you can grab more precious, health-enhancing ZZZZZZ’s.
SLEEP: it’s a beautiful thing.